Guest Recipe: Kitchari Burgers

I am often asked how to make Ayurvedic meals appealing to the whole family. This is one of my favorite ways! You can also call these burgers sliders, and serve them at parties, or over salad for an elegant lunch. You pick the shape, and ultimately what to call them—because a rose may be a rose by any other name, but when it comes to feeding children (and fussy grown-ups), what’s in a name may make all the difference.

1–2 tablespoons psyllium (husks or ground)
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast, optional
2 cups of your favorite kitchari
1 tablespoon ghee
Garlic powder to taste
1 egg, optional

Stir the psyllium and the nutritional yeast, if using, with the kitchari in a mixing bowl. Mix well, ideally with your own clean hands. If using the egg, beat one egg and lightly stir it in. It will give your burger a better hold, and a crispier, golden edge.

Melt the ghee in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Sprinkle in the garlic powder, and swirl the pan.

Take a small handful of kitchari mixture, pat it into a ball, and press to flatten. Place in saucepan and cook until it browns. Turn it over and cover while it browns on the second side. If you’re not using the egg, it’s not essential that you cook the burgers all the way through, but I cover the pan to make sure they are heated all the way through.

Find out about upcoming programs with Laura Plumb at Kripalu.

Laura Plumb is a Vedic healer, Ayurvedic practitioner, yoga teacher, and food writer focused on using mind-body medicine to engage the spirit for whole-being wellness.

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