The Spirit of Springtime

What a joyful time spring is, as the spirit wakes up into the essence of love, light and balance. The core of our being seeks to fulfill its mission of finding our life and completing ourselves as human beings. We are so fortunate that we can do this inherently, simply by paying attention to ourselves and to the natural world all around us.

Springtime is when Mother Earth is awakening from her dream of winter. The Huichol tribe of Mexico honors and celebrates the spring by performing ancient ceremonies to help Mother Earth get ready for planting. As the earth is coming back to life, we too can wake up and be a mirror of our environment. Spring is a natural time for new beginnings, for leaving behind the old patterns that hold us back.

By living in their traditional ways and keeping their ceremonies, the Huichols develop a special relationship with their environment and all that is around them, including the sun, the wind, the fire, the waters, and the earth. They are always consciously trying to develop balance and harmony between themselves and the natural world. When we achieve that balance within our own lives, we are happier and healthier, and it helps to bring us peace.

Applying these ancient practices to our everyday lives supports us to be more aware of ourselves and our connections to the world. We become more mindful of the energies around us, and we feel more empowered to be our true selves. Translating these traditions in ways that make sense for our daily lives begins at the moment we wake up each morning. We have a choice each day to take actions that help us to be our better selves, to release negative qualities that hold us back, and to open ourselves up to both our inner and outer environments.

In the spring, we enjoy spending more time in the light. Many of us are just happy to drive to and from work in the daylight. We spend a lot of time living each day without making connections to all that is around us, but when we take the time to notice a sunrise or sunset, it helps make our hearts happy. We open to the spirit of nature and the nature of who we really are, and tune into the blessing that life is, and the circle of life that unites us all.

Breathe in the light of the sunrise and sunset; breathe in the sound of a stream, lake, river or ocean; notice the changing of the seasons; listen to the sounds of nature. With these simple practices, you begin to see the power in nature to heal and charge up your life, so you can discover joy, happiness, and fulfillment.

We all look for ways to find balance within ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world. My experience with the Huichols and the teachings I received from my grandfather, Don Jose Matsuwa, during my 12-year apprenticeship, have brought me to this moment … a moment in which sharing ancient traditions and techniques with others can help them find their own balance and harmony with the natural world.

Brant Secunda is an internationally acclaimed shaman, healer, and ceremonial leader in the indigenous Huichol (Wixárika) tradition of Mexico.

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