The Revitalizing Energy of Goddess Pose

Goddess pose, or Deviasana, represents the feminine force that created the universe. Hara is a Japanese martial arts term meaning “center of being,” and it refers to the stomach, or solar plexus, where the body’s vital healing energy is generated.

Goddess pose, in combination with breathing from the hara, is a powerful way to revitalize and renew the body, mind, and spirit. When the body’s hara is clear and open, vital energy can freely move down through the pelvis and legs and into the earth for grounding. However, fear, pain, and anxiety can cause this energy to become blocked. Goddess pose with hara breathing opens up the hips and chest so that power, strength, and energy can circulate freely.

Here are a few cues for practicing or leading Goddess pose:

  • Step your feet wider than hip-width apart (two or three feet) and lift the arms out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Turn your feet out 45 degrees and bend the knees to a comfortable stance, making sure that your knees track directly over the ankles.
  • Turn your palms up and bend the elbows to 90 degrees so that your palms face in toward your head.
  • Inhale through your nose, drawing in abundant energy, healing, and relaxation, as you reach both arms overhead.
  • Exhale through your mouth, bend your elbows, and pull your fists down alongside the ribs, emphatically saying, “Ha!” (This action expels tension while bringing in power and vitality to your center.) Repeat 10–15 times while holding the pose.

After you’re done, come out of the stance. Pause, breathe naturally, and relax. Take a moment to observe and soak in the energy flowing throughout your entire being.

Janna Delgado, E-RYT 1000, Kripalu faculty member and curriculum developer for the Kripalu Yoga in the Schools program, is a facilitator and trainer for RISE, an evidence-based program in conscious leadership.

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