Expressions of Gratitude

Since July 2017, we've invited guests who visit the Kripalu Shop to take a moment to write in a gratitude journal, expressing what they're thankful for at that very moment. Here are a few of their heartfelt reflections. May they inspire your own moments of gratitude!

I am grateful ...

"For being able to enjoy these precious moments at Kripalu with my Mom. Carpe Diem."

"For my dad, for bringing me here."

"To be a grandmother to a wonderful grandson."

"For a beautiful place to practice compassion and self-care."

"For a delicious dinner in the company of my husband."

"For this wonderful time I have to share with my awesome sister."

"To be here today with a good friend."

"For the gift of yoga!"

"For the love in my life."

"For Kripalu—a place to come back to."

"For a weekend with friends."

"For Yoganand's wisdom."

"For being here with my amazing family and friends."

"For my sister, who is an amazing listener and friend—and for the technology that allows us to talk and text regularly, even thought she's in Africa!"

"For my logical mind and allowing it to rest and letting my soul take the lead."

"For all veterans."

"For friendships that walk with you through dark times."

"To be with my loving sister, who is my anchor and my guiding light."

"For the connection with my best friend. We met during YTT and decided to come back today, just for the day."

"To be here with my daughter and husband."

"For everything Kripalu gives me, year after year. Thank you for providing me a safe and beautiful happy place!"

Tell us what you're grateful for!