Brian Leaf

Brian Leaf, MA, is the author of 13 books, including best-sellers The Teacher Appears: 108 Prompts to Power Your Yoga Practice and Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi. Brian brings a tremendous breadth of experience getting work published and into the hands of readers. He has worked with major publishing houses, small niche presses, and self-publishing platforms. He has written for Yoga Journal, Spirituality & Health, Utne Reader, The Huffington Post, Mothering Magazine, and many more. Brian is a certified yoga instructor, Ayurvedic practitioner, and massage therapist.

Learn more about this presenter’s work:


  • The Dalai Lama on a Snow Day

    Snow days are magical for kids. But what about mom and dad?

  • Say “Yes” to Reality!

    One morning, as he was meditating, Brian Leaf realized that he needed to write a book. But first, he had to clean his office.

  • Ayurveda for Your Summer Vacation

    Ayurveda is, in a sense, the instructional manual for our bodies. Here's how you can apply those instructions when planning your summer vacation.

  • I Am Judging You

    Ironically, Brian Leaf has been dishing out judgment since he first got into holistic health. Then something happened that made him rethink everything.

  • How a Balanced Day Keeps the Pu Pu Platter Away

    When self-discipline doesn't work, how do you make the changes you want to make?

  • The Yamas and Niyamas of Getting Out of a Speeding Ticket

    When Brian Leaf went off to college, he found yoga—and he stopped lying. But what happens when the rubber meets the road?

  • Five Keys to Happiness

    Kripalu Yoga teacher and author Brian Leaf distills the lessons he learned over a decade of exploring, traveling, studying, and experimenting.

  • The Perfect Parent

    The 20th-century philosopher Fred Rogers said, “My hunch is that if we allow ourselves to give who we really are to the children in our care, we will in some way inspire cartwheels in their hearts.”

  • Right Livelihood and Vampires

    Teaching kids vocabulary through the books that they’re already reading seems like a no-brainer. But what if it conflicts with your understanding of right livelihood? Brian Leaf reflects on this conundrum.

  • A Healing Journey with Yoga

    An excerpt from "Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi: My Humble Quest to Heal My Colitis, Calm My ADD, and Find the Key to Happiness," by Brian Leaf.

  • Free to Be You and Me

    We are free and happiest and serve the world best when we are truly ourselves. But that isn't always easy to remember.

  • Ayurveda for the Perfect Poop

    Few things are as important to our sense of happiness as a good bowel movement.

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